How To Encourage Youths To invest into Agriculture and Farming Business

An Average Nigeria Youth today, doesn't want to hear or think about agriculture or any kind of farming business.


Every new young school graduates right from their undergraduate days are already aiming for that white collar job that will fetch them huge cash, this is a good ambition for an individual but this can not by any means help the growth of our nation, I could remember as a young lad, many years ago, they use to refer to us as the future leader of tomorrow, and i am telling you that tomorrow they use to mention those times have finally come and we must be prepared, if truly the youths are the leaders of tomorrow then, i believe we should be building capacity to see the tomorrow of our dream become a reality.

I want to get this to all new graduates or those students on I.T and the final year students that are closer to the labour and business market as the case maybe, there are no jobs out there, take it or leave it.

Maybe to better put it, thee are jobs but it can not employ 10% of annual graduates that we have in NIGERIA Today.

Like my friend will always says; stop looking for the non-existing job!!!

Create your own economy, finance and stop been dependent and one of the best ways to accomplish that, is to start a business, and here today i am going to be talking and focusing more on agriculture business because that is what we focus on here in and that is what we teach the world.

Agriculture as been the God's original and ordain natural occupation from the beginning f time and till today it is one of the venture that is changing the stories of many nations all across the world.

In Nigeria Universities today, the number of students that are willing to go and study agriculture is one of lowest which means new students and youths are not seeing the beauty and the blessedness of agriculture and the power it as to transform our NATION Economy and make more people employed.

But How do we help this situation?

How exactly do we re-orient our youths and make them see the goldmine in our nation called "Agriculture", almost every land in Nigeria are very good for plantation agriculture and livestock farming strives everywhere today ranging from pig farming, to poultry, to catfish, piggery, Grasscutter and lots more.

When I was in secondary school, we use to hold a meeting every wednesday by 2pm, in Oluwatoyin Progresssive Secondary School Ilorin, Those days in Kwara state, we called the program "YOUNG FARMERS CLUB" Its a platform where our agric teacher take time to explain practical tips and knowledge of field farming not just by the book and notes we have gathered in class but by getting down to the school farm, where we see face to face all the livestock and animals that we have read and treated in class and for every secondary school students that are interested in agriculture business, that was a good platform for many if us to learn and that is one of the ways have been able to keep and build my passion for agriculture and that is what as kept me and brought me to where I am today.

So Organizing programs like young farmers club in schools, both primary and secondary can just be a good way to start building young guys and girls interest in the field of agriculture.

The future of our dear nation Nigeria fully lies in the hand of agriculture industry and that is why we need more graduates and experts in that field so that we can boost the food production level of the nation and meet up with the demand in the market.


1.  Organise Seminars on Agriculture business activities, orientation, investment, empowerment in terms of knowledge and funds.

2.  Federal Govt should make available loans to help young farmers start their own farm and to help already farmers to expand their farm budget and asset through grants.

3.  Let there be a board that targets schools that will be fully committed to going the youths the right mentality and mindset towards farming and agric business in the country.

4. Let there be easy access to land i know this as to do with the government board of the nation, good and cheap access to land will help the youth t be interested in Farming.

5.  Let there be more running and running awareness and advertisement on all media to show youths the potential that lies in Agriculture and how the youths can use this unto  their own advantage.

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