Poultry(Chicken), Fishery,Piggery; Which One is The Most Lucrative in Nigeria?

Hello my fellow farmers, In nigeria of today, It seems Poultry farming,Piggery and Catfish Farming is the most lucrative or the most sort after among other livestock farming business today.

I understand the reason why these three (3) Seems to be fast growing agro business in our world today;

Talking about Poultry Farming Business; I have more than 5years experience in poultry, so i know that the business is so promising and some of the reasons includes;

1. Poultry is highly converting in terms of consumption, the meat is palatable, i run a survey on this blog longtime ago on the reason why people prefer Poultry Chicken meat recipe to other kind of meat during christmas celebration and festive period, I got a lot of response that really excites me, you can read more on that here and also drop your own comment.

2. Poultry requires little capital to startup, especially as an individual when you want to start any business in the agriculture industry and you are considering livestock farming that will cost you less funds, then poultry farming is a very good option to consider.

3. Poultry birds (whose meat are referred to as chicken) easily converts feed to meat, which means they have a very high feed to meat conversion, this is simply talking about the ability to grow faster via the feeds that is administered unto them.

4. Poultry birds tends increase/multiply within the shortest possible period of time, especially the invention of science and technology in our society today, we now have artificial means of increasing poultry birds; facilities like incubator makes it easy to keep egg from the laying time to the maturity season under the right condition and temperature till it hatches into chicks and since it is not done by the mother bird, it makes it easy and possible to hatch more than 10 million eggs within 1 - 22 days.

5.  Poultry farming just like cattle also offers the farmer and end consumers two highly valuable products, we have "Egg" and "Chicken(meat)" even though there are various breeds and sex that performs this actions, its still all under poultry so it makes the venture highly lucrative for any one that is interested.

6.  Then Most Importantly, the consumer's interest is one of the major factor that drives the market and production of any farmer, so it is more than true that; in the market today, There is more demand for chicken than any other kind of met, in fact the egg gotten from the layers birds as proven not to be enough as at the time of writing this article, there is a serious need to produce more eggs in Nigeria, so you can see that it is a money in existence kind of business venture. In short, there are more demand for almost every products derived from poultry source, ranging from the live birds and carcass weight, the meat, egg, even poultry dung is a source of income for the poultry farmer.

That is it for Poultry Business, Let Talk about Fish Farming Business now before we now consider which one is the most lucrative.

Fish Farming is not so prominent while i was still a kid, like we have it today; that is the power of transformation taking place, those days what i see is more of fisher men who hunt for fish to kill in the oceans and seas, but now its changing drastically, i have never went to hunt or kill fishes before in my life, but i have handled more than a million fish via natural pond which involves the commercial scientific ways of domesticating fish at home or in water enclose.

Fish Farming is now one of the most lucrative business right now, every one who loves or hates agriculture now install a pond in their home or industry to start making money via catfish farming business in nigeria, there is a huge market also for fish farming, fish takes more time than poultry but base on preference and taste, some consumers prefers fish to any other kind of livestock, then in terms of health benefits, there are more emphases on health benefits of eating fish and some fish by-products like fish oil and lots more.

So many other kind of small businesses as come up due to development and advancement in fish farming business, businesses like babercue, fish bread, fish oil sales, catfish equipment, pond construction services, catfish pepper soup and lots more, which you can find out here.

We now have some youths and wealthy entrepreneurship who are basically into fish processing businesses like, drying fish,  smoking fish, processing fish for international trades and export, processing fish by-products like fish oil and so on, there is an unending rise in the rate of demands for fish and consumption is high, that is why we need to mobilize our youths and students especially at the undergraduate level to see the lucrativeness of the agricultural venture because the future of this business opportunity is bright.

Fish Business is what am doing and i can advice anyone to do!

Let talk about piggery; I have had 6 years experience pig farming so i know alot about them and i understand how lucrative the business can be, i remember the first pig farmer i ever meet in my life, he runs the piggery at the backyard of his house and he had issues with people living around complaining about the smell, but fortunately for him, after  while, he ot 5 plots of land and started his pig farm in a bigger venture at the right atmosphere, he doesn't wish to disturb people before but there was no money but from the same business, he takes care of himself, his wife and the entire family, but the business as also got him land to manage everything better now.

What i know about pig farming is that, it is a super lucrative and less expensive venture, they feed on a lot of things but i can also say they feed on junks, this means, the source of their feeds are very cheap, so you don't need a loan to start or to buy their feeds, and pig are very good at reproduction, with 3 in-sows, you can have 30 new piglets added to your farm in just 4months.

Pig is a bigtime business venture, but you must learn all it takes, i can also say with all boldness, that there is an already existing market for pig business, you don't have to be stranded in order to get how you can sell, there are buyers everywhere.

So now i have talked about piggery, poultry and fishery, which one is the most lucrative?

Even me, can not easily come up with the best answer, but i can say the answers will be bsed on individual approach, i does the three, but i can't say one is the most profitable, but the three are; you can consider the cost of production, the market, the capital and lots more in order to make your choice.

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